Friday, November 30, 2012

missed week

Dear readers,
      Monday was a good day for me as usual I love mondays. Tuesday nothing exciting really happened except I talked to Brett a lot. Wed was also a very good day I would have to say. In English we got to go to the computer lab, Botany we got to do a scientific experiment thing and go around looking at fruits but also we got to eat them. In science anything with seeds is a fruit. So lately I have been searching for things with seeds. A pumpkin, pinecone, and a pepper are fruits. I feel smart now. Anyway my Botany teacher told me I had to come up with what type of fruit a pepper is. Anyway that was that day. Except at night we also had youth group. My dad was late getting home from work so I missed the first half of it. As soon as I almost got to the senior high room I was so happy because I saw him :) <3. Anyway I won't really say what we talked about in our small groups because it was personal. But afterwards I got to talk to Brett again and I was super happy. I also found out I apparently have a twin lol. When I got inside my dads car I saw a white chocolate milkshake from Steak n Shake in the cup holder. I got all excited and happy it felt like a great night. On Thursday I woke up feeling sick but I wanted to try going to school still. I made it until after second hour when I had to go to the office and have them call my aunt to come get me and take me home. That night I already told you about and on with today. Well I woke up super late and pretty much watched movies all day long. Tonight I am talking to Brett. I just got done confusing him about what type of fruit a pepper is. He didn't realize a pepper was a fruit and I got a message from my Botany teacher telling me I gave him the scientific definition of it instead of the type of fruit it is. Well a pepper is a berry. But the scientific name of a pepper is Capsicum annuum. There now you just learned something new :). Well it is time for bed so goodnight everyone. Sweetdreams.

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