Saturday, November 3, 2012

High School Blog Day 6

Dear readers,
     So on Friday we had a half day. It was awesome I ended up staying up late on thursday night just because I knew we only had a half day. It was pretty good not much happened we mostly just watched videos in class and did whatever. After school on the bus I was talking to this guy Malikie( and no don't ever say he's from children of the corn because he gets super mad) and this guy Sam about D&D. For those who don't know D&D is a roll playing game and its dungeons and dragons. A super fun nerdy game and I am trying to find people that would like to play it with me :). I shall be dungeon master!! haha anyway there was also this kid who reminded me of the little boyscout off of the movie up. He was super hyper and crazy and extremely talkative. It was a really fun bus ride though :). We got back to Tim's and ate lunch. I of course checked my facebook and watched tv for awhile. Tim left for a bit to go hang out with his friend Will in the woods. I got to stay home alone for a little while so i turned the tv onto the music station and ended up passing out on the couch. I woke up to Tim talking ha,ha. Anyway he went to go get Melody and so his little brother, Jonathan, and I were just messing around. We were bowling with little bouncy balls and being destructive :). After awhile they got back and we all went hiking. It was a fun hike! Don't ask me how but Jonathan and I decided that Melody has thumbs for feet, a neck for legs, and a foot for a head. Long story haha. Anyway I usually fall a lot going down hills but I think I gave my bad luck to Melody because the entire time she kept sliding :) it was funny. Sometimes we had to walk along fallen trees. I crawled across though because I had a bad experience hiking before. The tree was up higher and there was a thorn bush underneath it. Well first of all I was walking across it and i lost my balance I would have fell into the little creek but my friend grabbed me in time... Also before that I fell into a thorn bush and he had to pick me up and carry me out... it was extremely painful. So anyway let's just say I was super careful this time. Although I ended up walking into a thorn bush thing again and got one of those needle things stuck i my hand.. By accident I said the S word and corrected myself by screaming shoot shoot shoot xD haha and over dramatizing the pain of it. We got to this place where there was chunks of cement going up a hill. Melody was smart and took the short path but the rest of us decided to try and climb  it. It was fun :) the lasst time I did that my sister slipped and about feel so I had to give her a piggy back the rest of the way up. Anyway when we got to the top we just relaxed and threw rocks at a tree. My aim sucks so I missed the tree the entire time. Everyone laughed at me and my epic fail. It was time to go back though because my dad was going to be there so we ended up climbing back down and going home. That night I had chick fa la for the first time in Peoria. I thought it ws such a rip off 6 dollars for 3 tiny chicken strips. Anyway then we went to Target and got me kit kat bars :D. I then spent the rest of night talking to my new boyfriend <3 and then I fell asleep.

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