Friday, November 9, 2012

summer camp

Dear readers,
    This is just a brief little summary of my time at youth camp this past summer. I am mostly posting this one for a certain person :).
        So I was in my room looking around thinking what am I missing or did I pack it all already. I hope I don't miss something. There was the knock at the door and my heart started to race. It was Melody and Tim coming to pick me up so we could go to the church. My heart was racing, for some reason I was super nervous it was the first time I have ever gone to a camp before and I knew nobody there. I see how it is on the movies and was scared. We got to the church and there we got on the bus. I had no clue where at all to sit. There was so many people, I am so happy though I got to sit with Melody. It was great though getting to sit by somebody I knew. Anyway we had a really good trip there just talking about everything and talking about what we were looking forward to and nervous about. Finally we got to camp. Tim kept talking like wow this is a lot different then last year and saying stuff we had no clue about considering it was our first year. Anyway we had to go pick which room we were going to stay in, we ended up meeting 5 different people. They were super nice, we all introduced ourselves. Anyway the first day was fun and I was nervous at the lunch table to. We had no clue where to sit and wanted to sit by Tim but the table he was at was already filled with people. Anyway sorry to skip a lot but later that evening Tim and Brett forced Melody and I into playing farkle. (at this time I had no clue who he was, it was first time we met). I was wondering what were we gonna be in for, considering the stories I have heard people talking about already. Anyway it came down to me and this other person. Unfortunately guess who won? Yeah that's right I did.... the guys told me I had to play a game of charades. I was super nervous I knew I sucked at acting!! Anyway that night I prayed to God that I would he would get me through it. So the next day I woke up and first thing Melody said was "are you ready?" lol I was so nervous. Anyway the day seemed to go by super fast, before I knew it I had to do charades.... oh my goodness I was right about sucking at acting! For the word goldfish the smart thing to do would be make a fish face and point to a person's gold shirt but no I ended up just moving my hand in a wave xD good thing after awhile somebody guessed it. Some of them were super hard. Especially the flying dinosaur. Somehow though somebody guessed it right off the bat. Thank goodness, anyway after it was over I was super happy and relieved. I am a dumby though because every day after that I would still play farkle lol. Anyway the week went on and it was such a ton of fun!! I never had a funner time. I met so many new people and played a ton of games I just had a blast! I hate to skip the entire week but there's so many stories to tell. Anyway Friday night I would have to say is one of the best nights ever. So throughout the week let's just say I kept seeing Brett around and I was thinking I was starting to like him. I thought I was just saying that though, but by Friday I realized I absolutely did like him. And I liked him a lot :) so that night we talked a lot more then we did before and it was amazing. At one moment I about let it out and told him that I really liked him then and there but then Melody popped up. I think it was God saying its not the right time yet.  I felt super happy, and when I finally got inside I saw on one of the couches with a bunch of my other friends and told them all about him. One of my friends ended up looking him up on facebook (which they broke a rule) but once I saw his picture I was like yeah thats him hehe and my heart started aching and I wished that I was back with him talking again. The rest of that night and the next morning I couldn't stop thinking about him. I hoped I would get to sit by him on the bus but that didn't work out. Anyway on the way back to the church I kept thinking about him and wondering how he was doing and what he was doing. I couldn't wait until we got back to the church so I could see and talk to him again. When we got there after a bit of talking it was time for me to go and we had to say our goodbyes until Sunday. That was the first time I hugged him :). Anyway when I got back home my dad told me he was reborn and just that night was great. I hurried and got his number from Melody that way I could text him and talk to him still :). I can't wait until next year!! It'll be our one year next year since we first met each other :). Which changed my life for the greaterness, and was best thing that happened to me <3. So happy were together now :) and I couldn't ask for anybody else or anybody better because there is no such thing.

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