Thursday, November 15, 2012

Starting a new relationship? Need advice? here you go :)

If you’ve just met a perfect partner and don’t want to ruin a perfect start, here are all the pointers you need to take it from a new relationship to a good relationship.

#1 Meet often, but not too often
When you’re in young love, you’d want to spend every waking minute with your boyfriend/girlfriend It’s understandable, you’re obviously excited. But could you be pushing it too far?

By meeting too often, you’re suddenly changing the lives of two individuals who have fallen in love. It may feel great for the first week or so, but eventually your other commitments may pile up and one of you may end up getting annoyed with the other for spending too much time.
Go out on dates once or twice a week, and it’ll keep the love and excitement on a high for a long time. But if you’re both madly in love and can’t keep your hands off each other, then you’re excused to meet each other more often, but with caution.
#2 Don’t get clingy
Just because you’re dating doesn’t mean you own each other. Shocking, yes, but it’s true. If you want to know how to have a good relationship from the beginning, learn to give each other space. Especially in a new relationship, you’re only dating each and don’t really need to know every little piece of information about each other. Right now, you’re only a small part of each other’s lives, so don’t give yourself more importance than you deserve.
#3 Don’t go crazy with your gifts
Your new gf/bf may be running in your mind all day, but that doesn’t mean you should go overboard and buy something for your love every time you see something nice while shopping.
Save the spending sprees for later when the relationship has grown over a solid foundation. If you do want to express your love with gifts, then pick something small, personal and inexpensive at first. Save the extravagant gifts when you know your new mate’s the one for you.

#4 Don’t get possessive
Possessiveness is never a good trait in a relationship. Possessiveness is a sign of insecurity and jealousy, and these are usually big red flags in any relationship, new or old.
Remember that you’re still in a new relationship and can’t order or even request your mate to avoid people or avoid going out by themselves. Even if you do feel jealous about your lover’s partying habits or the amount of time they spend with a group of friends, learn to suck it up and hold it in. Signs of jealousy and insecurity right at the beginning can end the relationship even before you know it.

#5 Accept each other’s habits
When you fall in love with someone new, you fall in love with who they are not the person you wish they were.  Instead of trying to change them to fit your requirements, learn to adjust to their habits. By restricting a lover or trying to change someone at the very beginning, you risk the chance of losing them forever.
Whether you’re in love or otherwise, you can’t really change someone’s personality. If you find your new lover incompatible, end the relationship instead of suffering a nervous breakdown due to frustrations or insecurities.
#6 You don’t have to say I-Love-You
Just because you’re in a relationship with your new gf/bf, it doesn’t mean you have to start saying those “three magical words” to each other as soon as you decide to go out with each other. It’s only going to lead to awkwardness in the air because it’s all happening so fast. Take it slow and wait a while, maybe a month or so before you say it out loud. Or when you feel it is the right time to.

#7 Talk to each other
 Communication creates a good relationship.
Try to sneak in a long conversation every now and then and learn about each other, likes, dislikes, interests and all. By doing this, it’ll help you figure the romantic compatibility and also help bring both of you closer. 

So there you go, whether you listen to my advice or not it doesn't matter at least it's out there :). 

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