Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Decemebr 26th 2012

Well everyone it is the day after Christmas. Every year I would have been sad that the holiday is over but this year I'm just kind of okay with it. I had a terrible nights sleep. Well actually I had a fantastic dream, but I woke up too early from it because my grandma blared up her radio and everyone was being super loud. I ended up dreaming about Matt Damon from the Bourne Legacy and apparently me and him were married. Well we were both fighters and stuff. We ended up wanting to go on vacation or we were trying to find something I forgot but we were on this ship. And then the movie Jaws started coming on cept it was a giant dolphin trying to eat us. Well I ran off the boat and onto the land and my "husband" captured the dolphin and saved everyone. Afterwards there was a ton of people trying to get off the beach and were running for their lives and I tried running back to find him. When I saw him he grabbed me in a giant hug and we were all happy to see each other lol. Then the ground started cracking and breaking apart and everyone fell into the ground and died cept the captain of the ship, me, and Matt Damon. Then we realized we had to do something but I forgot what it was and I ended up having to go back to the ship. Of course he was so worried about me so I stayed in his arms another 20 minutes lol, and I said it's time. Well I did a tun of front flips and stuff to the ship. Well I at least got to the other side of the rockwall thing.. And that's when a giant shark showed up, and there were random bad guys on the top of the cliff. Well Matt wanted to go and help me but the ship captain told him to remember what our plan was and I'd be fine cuz I was awesome like that. Anyway of course I kicked butt and I got the ship and I met them on the other side of the island. Then there was this little cabin place and the ship captain's wife fed us a wonderful meal then me and Matt went for a walk along the short beach they had by there and that's when I got woken up. For an hour though I was still stuck in the dream lol... although I was hoping it was with Brett :). Anyway I ate yummy blueberry pancakes then played awhile with my pug and sisters. Finally we had to go back home, my grandma was going to go see her son. So she dropped us off at home and I had to babysit Journey and Claire for awhile. Well my friend Eric ended up showing up, and he helped watch them. Of course he brought a thing of mountain dew and we got all hyper and stuff and all destroyed the place with play doh and game pieces. Eric kept winning and I kept throwing stuff at him hehe it was funny. Anyway before he came though my sisters asked if Brett would come over because they really like him although they haven't seen him that much. He does make a great first impression :) Journey said me and him were cute together and she hasn't said that about any of my boyfriends before so I guess Brett is special hehe and matches their expectations. It was fun, Eric's ride's car ended up breaking down though so he stayed awhile longer and we watched a movie. Although I had to keep getting up to take care of my sisters but that's alright. Anyway when he left I just got back on the internet and started watching disney channel again :). And now here I am trying to get my sisters to go to bed so I can get some peace and quite for once. Goodnight everyone :)

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