Wednesday, December 12, 2012

December 12th 2012

Dear everyone,
         Well today is the day of all 12 digits. Got to admit been a super interesting day. I woke up late and super tired so I ended up being as slow as a turtle of not slower my dad said lol. I was freezing walking to the bus stop, that I was gonna turn into an ice cube. On the bus I didn't care how bumpy the ride was I ended up passing out. At school my friends were being all loud and stuff and I told them to wisper because I was tired lol. Anyway first hour I tried to sleep. I ended up getting my essay back and I wasn't too happy.... I hate Mr. Glaza. As a person he is awesome as a teacher I don't like him. In Botany I ended up passing out for a bit and then when I woke up I talked to this girl I haven't talked to ever. I got to know her more lol and yes we talked about Justin Beever the entire time ha,ha. After class this kid who annoys me grabs my bookbag and pulled me backwards so I couldn't walk. (which happened too much today) I snapped at him to let go and he said I'm just trying to make you smile and I said your not making me happy your making me even more mad let go of the bag and walk away... it sounds mean but I mean seriously people are so stupid. History was boring stupid girl glared at me across the room again..also walking to my rocket academy class this guy that I tackled to the ground one time he ended up grabbing my bag again and pulling me backwards and I about fell. The dude didn't learn his lesson I apparently I was like really?? Again leave me alone and he was like sorry I was just joking and I was like your a stupid idiot don't touch me again!!  In rocket academy we didn't do much. Cept my friend Corey and I were talking about different types of guns and the zombie Apocalypse. In accounting I did my work pretty much and tried ignoring this dirtbag as best as I could. After class I didn't see Tyler yet so I just went to my locker, Sam ended up smiling and waving at me... I mean he does a lot but this time he looked overly excited ha,ha. Anyway lunch we just cracked different jokes and talked about pick up lines. Ummm in Biology I tried my best to stay awake and I talked to my friend Sarah about One Direction. She kinda got me to start listening to them now hehe. After class I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. These two guys ended up breaking into a fight and one of them pushed the other right into me and I slammed into the lockers... it really hurt... anyway I hurried off to get to class but I was holdin my side and my friend asked me what happened. People nowadays I swear are such idiots. I wish for once we would all just get along but I know that will never happen until we get to heaven <3. There it's peaceful. I kinda wished the world did end just so I could go to heaven already lol... I mean sure I love living but it's filled with violence this world is... anyway not much happened algebra we just did homework and such. Then in parenting we had a test and afterwards I had to hear 4 of my friends argue to me about each other and all this other drama.... finally the bell rang thank goodness. Yay school about over ha,ha. I talked to my friend Kayla Stanton about joining color guard for jrotc. So I stayed after school a bit longer and I ended up talking to major and joining. It's every Wed. till 5 so I can still get to go to youth group!! Cept my problem is finding a ride there from school haha this might be a problem but I'll figure it out. Afterwards Aletha came and got me and we went to run her husband Steve a hat then I helped her make dinner. Finally I got to go to youth group. I was late of course and it took me a couple minutes in order to find Brett :). When I did my heart started racing. Anyway we had worship time tonight and I was really listening to the words and having a great convertion going on with God in my head. I told him thank you for everything and getting me through this rough year. Afterwards we got yummy cookies and went to our small groups. Our leader wasn't here today so it was just 4 of us talking. We did popcorn prayer and of course when it came to Melody she stuttered a bit and when it came to me I froze lol I lost track of everything to say and pretty much kept silent :) but finally I made it thru my turn hehe God understands tho thank goodness. Afterwards I got to see my friend Tony and talk to him a bit then of course Brett <3. But of course before we got to talk long Aletha showed up again... very disappointing. I miss him like crazy already. And you to of course Jonathan :) lol. Anyway at the end it was a pretty good night, I am now talking to the guy of my dreams and getting ready for bed. Goodnight everyone sleep tite ya'll

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