Tuesday, January 1, 2013

january 1st 2013

Wow is it weird to type that date in... ha,ha can't believe it's the first day of the new year. I can tell though already it's going to be a great year! I have been through so much last year that whatever does come my way won't really hurt me. The first person I got to see was Brett to <3. And to be honest one of my biggest dreams growing up is that I would get a kiss on midnight :). And I never thought it was going to happen this year lol, but it did with the most wonderful guy I have ever met. Life is great right now... I just got done deleting my facebook as well, so now I am starting my new year's resolutions. This time I plan to keep them. Anyway I won't tell you much about the days I missed. Oh except yesterday and today they were super amazing. Well I should say the day before yesterday and yesterday haha. Anyway starting with Sunday. Well in the morning of course my dad woke me up because if he didn't I would have slept in which isn't good because I promised Brett I would go to youth group. Anyway I got ready and stuff and we headed to church. Dad dropped me off because he never goes to sunday school. Anyway when I got into the room the first person i noticed was Brett of course hehe. Then it was starting.. and like not even halfway through it this lady came up to me and asked if I could talk to her for a minute. At first I was thinking I did something wrong or something happened but then she mentioned wanting to take me to Florida with her. At first I was just like in complete shock like oh wow I'm going to Florida I thought I would never go there till I was older and stuff, but then she mentioned it was right after church and I started thinking not so happy. Anyway I went back and sat by my friends and stuff thinking a ton... it was weird because the thought of not being with Journey and Claire made me want to cry some. I mean I think the main reason was because every time I go to Florida it was with them... and I thought it wouldn't be the same if I didn't have them along. Anyway after youth group I unfortunately had to say goodbye to Brett and stuff and we both hoped I wouldn't go to Florida. We also laughed because the woman who invited me went around telling everybody about it before I knw for sure if I could go. Anyway when Brett left I went inside the sanctuary to try and find my dad. Of course he had to sit in like the very front row where everyone can see us, especially when I had to keep getting up so Claire could use the restroom.  The first time I took her to the bathroom I talked to her about going to Florida and she told me she would cry and be sad because she would miss me. It broke my heart a bit, not only that but i was thinking about the plans I had with Brett and stuff this week and I didn't wanna not see him. So near the end of service I wrote a little message to my dad saying to say i can't go because I would rather stay home. I mean Florida is awesome and all but I love it here. After service we went to wally world (wal mart) and had a lot of fun. I pushed the girls in the cart and we pretended it was nascar. Afterwards when we got home I just sat around on facebook all day talking to Brett and other peoples. Before I knew it, it was time to go on the date with Brett. We went to eat at Flattop Grill and to go see the Hobbit. It was just so much fun... I mean the entire time I was being my goofy self and stuff and we were well I have no clue what we were doing witht eh chopsticks and wrappers lol but it was fun. And the entire time I was thinking it's amazing to be goofy with someone hehe and just be myself and have this great of a time. I'm just so happy and at that moment I was happy. Then we went to see the Hobbit and in the theater I kept wanting to hold his hand and stuff but of course I got too shy to. But afterwards it was so funny because there was this random guy who knew his name and just I had a really amazing night with him. I went home and told Journey and Claire all about it like girl's do then I finally went to bed. Now on with yesterday. Which saying yesterday feels super weird because it still feels like it's today haha. Anyway I woke up in a not so pleasant mood because I didn't get any sleep at all. Anyway I ended up waking up at noon and by the time I woke up we had to go out to eat for lunch. It sounds like wow see you got plenty of sleep but no I went to bed about 8ish in the morning. We then went out to Long John Silvers for lunch and Journey wasn't feeling good so we just wnet back home. Time went super freaking fast because before I knew it Brett was going to come and get me again. I watched tv until he got to my place, and when he did it was amazing. It's so hard going more then a day without him he just makes my heart get filled with joy. Anyway I won't tell you every little detail like what all we talked about and stuff but then we got to his house and I met his family and they were of course really nice :). And after a little while we went into the other room to play Tripoli which I will not explain because it is unexplainable you must play the game though!! It's so much fun, and I had a blast the entire time. I actually didn't do too bad with it :) and I got to know his family. Their extremely funny and i don't think I ever stopped smiling once. It was mainly because I was spending time with him and his family :D which I have made very clear in the past well lots of sentences lol. Anyway after the game Brett and I went downstairs to watch a movie. Well not really watch it more like goof around about what they are saying and stuff. Then we watched some youtube videos and time went by so fast before we knew it it was midnight. And if anyone asks whats the first thing I did on new years it was kiss him <3. And it was awesome!! The most amazing way ever to start my year off was getting to be beside him. After about another hour or so of talking I had to go. So I thanked his dad for letting me come over and we left. I will not tell you how many taxi cars I saw driving around, and this one was parked at steak n shake and I saw this man struggling to get out he was so drunk. I swear being all drunk and partying like that isn't what it's all made out to be. Now playing Tripoli and being with well hehe others family was awesome and the best time I've had all year. Unfortunately it was time for me to say goodbye and go inside. And here I am talking to Brett again thinking how I'm so happy to be his and slowly starting to get sleepy. So I hope everybody has an awesome new year and this year treats everyone much better then last year may have.

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