Friday, October 26, 2012

High School Blog Day 1

Dear anyone who reads this,
      To start off my day, I had a filling breakfast that consisted of strawberry poptarts and orange juice. Yes, I know, it sounds delicious and now you're hungry for some. I then, took my shower as usual, got dressed, packed my book bag of crap, and headed off to school. Every day at school is just your typical drama. Walk into the building see kids shoving each other in the hallways and have your friends walk up to you say he said this and she said that. As usual, I tell them I don't care they can say what they want.

   Today, my aunt had to go to the office and get me a bus pass. I think it is funny that when you walk into the building on your own, your friends see you and want to hang out; but then when your parent walks in with you everyone just stares dramatically like oh no what she do. When my aunt left, I walked over to a group of my friends. We had our usual conversation of what video games are the best. Yes I know I am one of the biggest nerds you will ever meet. This guy Christian always walks up to me and has something new to say about anything. Today he walked up to me and said he got revenge on this girl. Well his revenge is claiming he broke into her house and stole her stuff while she was gone. I know, I thought the same thing that sounds flippin stupid. Anyway that explains a bit who he is lol. Just a random, lonely kid who wants attention just like everyone else in our school. I was half listening to what he had to say because behind him stood my ex. I still have that urge in my mind to go up and kiss him, but I know I can never do that. 
    The bell rings and its time for first hour. I would explain to you everyone of my hours but I don't want to bore you. I'll just say for today nothing interesting happens. As I keep posting about my life in this blog though you may find yourself entertained. I usually do have some interesting stories to tell. So just be patient and soon you will have a laugh or two :) and probably more. 
     After school today I rode the bus. I always ride the bus but as you read this you will find I have the most strangest and interesting bus rides. Today I sat by this guy Alex. The past two days he has been wanting me to sleep with him and talks dirty. His secret dirty word is cookies though. So if he asks you if he says anything about cookies you know what he means. He gets off at a stop before mine so I had to get up and say goodbye. I use to feel lonely sitting in the seat by myself, I would just look out the window and long to be somewhere else, some far away land. I know that is just my imagination though. I think it is much better then sitting there dreading my every day life. Although it isn't that bad anymore.

     I am thankful to the Lord for being gracious and giving me the strength to face my toughest challenges. Finally I got to my stop though. My aunt is always there to pick me up. That is a whole other story I may get into details about later. Anyway tonight was just a night of watching movies. Sorry for my first blog to sound boring but trust me tomorrow I shall have something more fun to say. Peace out and goodnight <3 :)

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